Sunday, October 28, 2007

Project Filming

Friday was busy "recce"ing with Kim, Dor and Joey at Chinatown for venue for our outdoor shot (mtd project). Basically our script is about conversion leading to educational mini documentry about Chopstick. Finally found a place where they sell chopsticks and i must say they were really beautiful.

Let the shoot begin:

1st shoot was at Chinatown, shoot of all the different types of Chopsticks available.

Chinese = Square tip on the end

Jap = Round tips at both end.

Korean = Slim and long, mostly metal and flat on the tip.

Storyline = Its Chinese New Year and 4 girls met up at in one of their house for "Low Hei". One of the girl doesnt know how to use chopstick and thats where Facts, History and Culture of Chopstick were told.

Second Shoot(Acting): At the comfort of my Home.
Its where all probs and setting begins.
Lighting, Sound, Camera Angles, Script.....

NGs were at the funniest!

Editing in progress...

1 comment:

qing said...

pek pek................

So u guys must thank to me lei.. if not me, how can u all produce out such a wonderful story....

"fish NB"