Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I adore Chinese New Year...
Not just for the excuse of getting yourself new clothes + bedsheet or whateveryoucanthinkof...
Or the massive attack on Bak Kua + Pineapple Tarts + everyotheryoucannameof...

Maybe its the hustling air that submerges me in the memories and colours of a playful childhood...
Happy memories awashed in smells and nostalgia...
I love visiting my granny's place for one...
Nothing much have changed...
Isn't it amazing how somethings can stay intact for so long...

This year's preparations were late, by normal reckoning: causing a mad rush of buying and cleaning and wiping mere days before 年除夕...

My Dustless(for now) Crib...

Routine visits to auntie's place then to granny's...
As usual the cousins went for movies thereafter...
Totally forgot to take pictures...
Was too busy MunchingTalkingGambling...
By the time i knew it...
The holidays are over!!!

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